Announcement for patients of Dr. Lawler


Dr. Kellie Lawler is a specialist in adrenal fatigue and natural treatment of anxiety and depression.  She has a special interest in autoimmune disorders, women’s health issues including menopause, endometriosis, menstrual irregularities and natural hormone balancing and replacement using lifestyle, nutrition and herbal (Chinese and western) medicine. Dr. Lawler’s professional philosophy  is based on cultivating partnerships with her patients.

A healer does not heal you. A healer is someone who holds space for you while you awaken your inner healer, so that you may heal yourself
Maryam Hasnaa
“I like to spend time with my patients, getting to know them.  It is my wish that in our time together that they feel completely heard and accepted without judgement. It is imperative that we work together to get to the root of the problem, and not medicate away a problem that will show up later."
Dr. Kellie Lawler, ND, LAc
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