Wellness Coaching

Dr. Lawler offers wellness coaching in person or via Telemedicine sessions. This consultation offers patients a vehicle as a team to test our theories about which systems are not functioning well and build our treatment plan around it. From my experience, most patients need to have a roadmap which gives them some idea of where we are going. A treatment plan is a living and evolving process. It may change – and frequently does – as we meet during our visits to discuss what is working and what is not working.


I hear from many of my patients who have family members in areas which are underserved or who do not have access to board certified natural medicine specialists that they wished that there was some way that there was more access to naturopathic care. In the 10 years since I have been out of school Naturopaths are slowly moving their way away from the West coast and across the US. I hope that this continues, however the more that I can provide access to this medicine that I am so passionate about, the better that our world will be.

Wellness consults are an effort to expand the reach of naturopathic medicine
to those who do not have access to natural medicine specialists.
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